Woot! Woot! What's new in the nerdy beauty stash? Since they took a 17 hours flight back to me, for sure I have to give them a go right? *wink wink* On a side note, the Bosica Cleansing Oil was bought from Sephora@Zalora. Use this code to get a 15% off : ZBAPqLL
1. La Roche Posay Serozinc
2. Boscia Make Up Break Up Make Up Cleansing Oil
3. Soap n Glory No Clogs Allowed Deep Pore Detox Mask
4. La Roche Posay Eau Thermale
5. Rituals Fortune Scrub
6. Soap n Glory The Greatest Scrub of All
How was your week so far? Mine wasn't good. Currently watching Sex and the City 2 and I feel so much better now :) I believe a woman can have low moments and down time sometimes but when its time to get up, get up my dear <3
Took a picture of my 10 years old Converse because I wanted to get rid of it, you know just for memory. But...it ended up in my shoe closet again because there is no reason for you to throw away a vintage piece. *wink* Last Sunday I was busy styling this versatile Doublewoot Crochet top! Fun fact. If I cant style a piece in at least 10 different ways, I wouldn't buy it :)
And lastly
Reminder to self : Remember to close the closet door.
Happy weekend <3

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