Wednesday, 5 August 2015

The Beauty Regime Sidekick

Products that are a part of our regime but not mentioned:
Cleansing Water - Bioderma
Cotton Pads - The Body Shop + Innisfree
Tweezers - Tweezerman
Floss - Oral B
Lip Balm - Nivea

A round of applause to these crouchingtigerhiddendragon products. Without these, beauty regime would have never been the same. Imagine a month without tweezers. *laughs*

Not too sure does cotton pads even affect your routine but for me, pads are life changing. Let's talk pads shall we? I use two pads a day. First one to pre-cleanse my face and the second one to revisit the face to ensure its clean and then remove those brows and mascara residue. Out of many that I've tried ranged from RM5-RM30, there are three that I really fancy.

Nature Republic Nature's Deco Natural Water Jet Cotton RM15.90 (approx.)
Innisfree 3 Layer Cotton Pad 100pcs RM14.90

In sequence, you can tell that Nature Republic's cotton pads are my favourite. Such a bummer that it's out of stock everywhere! So if you manage to get your hands on those, buzz me. In the meanwhile, keep an eye on for an occasional 20% off sitewide + free shipping throughout Malaysia. Stocked up on some pads and now I'm all set for the rest of the year. Pretty amazing how online shopping could save you some bucks eh? 

Thank you for reading and Happy Wednesday!

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